The West Christmas Lights...on the house AND chicken coop. :) |
Well...he's still not here! And, we have come to peace with that. He will come out when he's good and cooked. We have another doctor's appointment tomorrow to check up on him and make sure all is okay. We definitely will not go past two weeks overdue (the doctor's won't really let you anyway anymore because it's not safe...) so our son will definitely be born this week! Yay! Please pray he comes on his own and Susie doesn't have to be induced. Really have tried to avoid that. But...we will have to see. For now, Susie is resting a lot/trying every natural induction method conceivable and Joey is still working and we're just...waiting! |
Susie and Ellie's lives as of late. |
Oh...side note: if you heard we were in labor earlier this week...we weren't (obviously). Turns out, Gavin is resting on a few tendons in Susie's lower leg/pelvis area, and every time he moves a certain way it causes a terrible pain- like being stabbed with a knife. The pain usually lasts for about a minute and then subsides...and comes back 5 minutes later...repeat...for a few hours. Which is why we thought we were in labor. The pains were similar to contractions because they were the same timing and when they happened, Susie's whole body/tummy contracted. Anyhow...when he wasn't coming, we realized it had to be something else. So, we talked to the doctor about it, and turns out it's somewhat common, there is a name for it (we forget what it is) and apparently the pain it causes is worse than contractions...so we figure it is just great practice! :) Since his most active time is at night though, from about 6 p.m. on every evening has become very painful, but the end is in sight so we're trying to not dwell on it.
This weeks photos - and next week will be our baby boy...whohoo!
Joey and Ellie watching football. |
Seriously. |
Ellie and her sister Lily, Grandma & Grandpa Corkery's puppy. |
Joey and our nephew Jonathan at Grandma & Grandpa Corkery's for dinner. |
Praying for you, Susie! Press into Jesus while you wait, Dear. He will be here, one way or another...very soon! XOXOXOXO