It's December...Gavin's Birthday Month! 39.5 weeks...

We. Love. December. Such a special time of year, and so excited our little guy will have such a fun Birthday month. He just needs to hurry up and get here! :) We're so excited for Gavin to arrive and celebrate Christmas with him!

Susie has been very uncomfortable and has started working from home in this last home stretch before he comes. It's been a blessing to be able to continue to work and rest at the same time. Very grateful though that we did not have to experience bed rest...going stir crazy and it's only been a few days! 

When Susie's had bursts of energy and is feeling up for going out and about, we've tried to induce labor by crazy shopping expeditions & walking a ton, lots of running around the house getting stuff done, eating spicy food, name it. Nothing has worked yet, but we are determined, ha! The good news is Christmas decorating is done, Christmas presents are bought and Susie has stayed as active as possible, so hoping there won't be a ton of baby weight to lose!

A few photos of our life of late, and hoping the next post is about the arrival of our son!  

4 days before due date with Susie's best friend, Melissa!

Mattress bought & crib is ready! Thanks Grandma Cindi for the AMAZING hand made bedding!

Gavin's stocking...ready to be stuffed!

Christmas tree with presents already bought & wrapped...we're ready!

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