Dear Jesus Follower: you were made to run.

Dear Jesus Follower,

What is it that weighs you down in the marathon of faith? What is separating you from experiencing Jesus? Are there things that hinder you from hearing the voice of God in your life? Are they things that you've tried to let go of, but it's as if they were attached to you with super glue and you just can't seem to shake them off? Are you feeling disheartened because you feel helpless and stuck?

I know early in my faith, I was so frustrated that I couldn't just, "get it together." Life seemed to be falling apart, I was not experiencing any joy, and I was so sad that I was - so I thought - a giant disappointment and failure. 


The Good News is this: Jesus, "...the founder and perfecter of our faith..." is King over the weights in our lives. It is in Him and only Him that we will be made new. Lay aside your pride and know that you cannot make this better. You cannot lay aside the weights in your life on your own. Trying to "clean yourself up" through your own methods is the antithesis of what Jesus preached. He preached vulnerability, confession of our need and grace (undeserved favor with God through Jesus). 

Go to Jesus. Set your weights - the things that are keeping you from Him - at the feet of the Cross and confess your need for Him. He promises to make you new - He is the perfecter of our faith. 

As you do this, the weights will begin to disappear, one by one. You'll feel light, you'll feel new, you'll experience new joys and you will be able to begin to run. All of God's people, "...a great cloud of witnesses..." are cheering you on. Run to Jesus, my friend. Your new life will be a great testament of his faithfulness, grace and glory.

Let the weights go, sweet soul. You were made to run.

Hebrews 12:1-2

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